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Sample Letter

Hold action while you apply for a debt relief order (sole name)

Use this letter to ask your creditors to hold action on your account while you apply for a debt relief order. You can find information about how to use this letter in our fact sheet Debt relief orders.

You can choose to send a letter in your own name or in joint names. You may have a debt in joint names, or want to write to your creditors together because you have worked out a joint budget.

  • Fill in your contact details, account number and any extra information you want to include in the grey shaded areas.
  • Today’s date will be added automatically.
  • Sign each letter and enclose a copy of your budget if needed.

Letter in joint names

You can choose to send a letter in your own name or in joint names. You may have a debt in joint names, or want to write to your creditors together because you have worked out a joint budget.

Change to joint version
You need to include the organisation name.
Name of the organisation you are writing toInclude the name of the person or creditor you are writing to.
You need to include their address.
Their address line 1Make sure you include the full address for the person or organisation. Don't forget the post code.
Their address line 2
Their address line 3
You need to include their postcode.
Their postcodeDon't forget their postcode.
You need to include your address.
Your address line 1Make sure you include your full address.
Your address line 2
Your address line 3
You need to include your postcode.
Your postcodeDon't forget your postcode.

25th March 2025

Dear Sir/Madam
Account No:
This field is required.
Your account or reference numberYou will find your account or reference number on any paperwork from your creditor.
I am writing to inform you that I am in the process of setting up a debt relief order (DRO) with the assistance of Business Debtline.
Due to demand and capacity in the advice sector, I have been told that it is likely to take at least 12 weeks for my DRO to be set up and approved. I would like to request that you hold action on the above account. Also, during this period, could you please freeze interest and/or any other charges accruing on the above account.
You will be sent further details from the Insolvency Service once the DRO has been approved.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
I look forward to hearing from you.
(Please note, all further correspondence should be addressed to me. Business Debtline are a self-help agency and are not acting as my representative).
Yours faithfully
You need to include your name(s).
Include your full name